- Edit (TBD)
Climb a short corner to horizontal cracks, good gear placements (5.9). Gain a small ledge left of the start, and then head up blunt arete left of ledge past 3 bolts before a splitter crack emerges (5.11c). Follow splitter - mostly 1" baggie finger jams with feet. It tightens at the top, and a two bolt anchor is visible.
Our truck got stuck on the way home from this one...almost 10 miles from Dove Creek. We lucky caught a ride and a tow from some true locals, and the name for our new route become clear that night.
This route is located climber's right of main of Ten Mile Crag. Ten Mile Crag is located 10 miles from Dove Creek and 5+ miles down river from the Pump House Crag.
Friend sizing: 3/8th" to 2", small wires, 3 bolts, and a 2 bolt anchor.