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the most obvious line, following a prominent weakness from the toe of the Dome all the way up to it's summit. Because it is such an iconic line, and because it protects fairly well (although pro can be a little sketchy), it has tended to be one of the most popular lines on the Dome.
Pitch 1: About 20' right of the obvious bolt line of "Smooth Operator" locate 3 harder to spot, old bolts that zig-zag their way up the slab. Head up and left to a bolt, then back right to a second bolt, then back left (5.9 though some say as hard as .1 Ob) to the third and final bolt, which, along with some pro in the crack on the left, serves as the anchor.
Pitch 2: From the anchor, set solid pro and climb straight up to a steep lieback (5.9) that is the start of the actual groove. This crack eventually peters out and from its top, head up and left on unprotected but easier face to another crack and single bolt anchor (supplement with pro in the crack).
Pitch 3: Follow the easy crack and groove straight up until you can escape left to another crack and a small ledge. Set an anchor with natural pro here.
Pitch 4: Climb straight up the easy crack/groove until it ends. Set an anchor here to prepare for the face above.
Pitch 5: Climb the easy face to a 5.7 crack up and left. When the crack ends, head up and right to the obvious dihedral. Belay at the base of this corner.
Pitch 6: Follow this corner up at least one more pitch to the top of the Dome.
Descent: Rap down "Foxtrot" or "6-Pitch" or walk down the gully if you need to get bock to the bose of the Dome.
walk down the gully and do a couple of abseils off trees to get to the base of the crag. The groove is the only really obvious line on the crag.
Gear: Pro to 2.5"