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Peak Mountain 3

Syko's Arete

FA Jon Sykes and Bill Keiler. 1996


Probably the most aesthetic climb at Profile, Syko's Arete ascends the low angle rounded arete on the right side of the Natural High clearing. The route starts pulling an overlap on a quartz dike with a pin in a crack. Above this two bolts and crimps lead to the crux, clipping and moving past the third bolt. After this there is one more bolt and then two options. 1.) Bail right to the first pitch bolted anchor of Birthday Bolts. You can then top rope or lower off from here with one rope 2.) Proceed past loose blocks up the arete to the second belay anchor for Birthday Bolts.


On the right side of the Natural High clearing. Immediately left of Birthday Bolts and Beginning of the End.


The first section of the route is Rumney sport style bolted only requiring draws. If you are going to proceed to do the whole rope length a standard rack is required as well as two ropes, or two repels. This route can also easily be top-roped after leading Birthday Bolts or Beginning of the End