- Edit (TBD)
Start at the left-facing inside corner 15 ft left of Trail Magic (See Photo). Climb the face just to the left of the corner, the corner and the cracks above (5.7). When the crack ends [ALT] continue straight up on thin friction and crimpers (5.9 +/-?) until one reaches easier climbing, then move to the tree anchor at the top of Trail Magic.
ALTernate: Traverse left to "No Gear". Finish on that route, or move up it 25-30 ft, then move up rightwards following a weakness (with some gear) to the top of "Trail Magic". (5.5-5.6)
See START in Description
The bottom could be protected and has been led; but the slab would need a bolt or two. If the climb is TR'd from the Trail Magic tree-anchor, a directional (green Alien) can be placed in a crack 25-30ft above the crux moves.
Routes in Upper Ledges
- 5Crack-and-Up5.9Tr