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This sport route is just left of the Beer Barrel Arête on the SW corner of Haystack Rock. Although somewhat of a squeeze job at the start, the bottom section has a few fun but delicate moves up a V-shaped feature to a jug next to a small tree. The difficulty decreases just past the tree.
Many people seem to ease the challenge by climbing to the right of the first two bolts on the low angle slab that is the start of the Beer Barrel Arête, reaching far to their left to clip. By taking that line you're essentially on BBA and missing out on the best part of the route. I think it's fair to say that the start is kind of contrived.
Shares a chain anchor with the Beer Barrel Arête. A toprope can be set by carefully scrambling up 3rd-4th Class ledges on the west face of Haystack.
Bolts to chains