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Park at mile marker 27 and make sure you do not park on the DOT maintenance road.
Ascend up the slope right off the road and aim for the large electrical line tower. In the summer there is a faint trail that ascends up the lateral moraine all the way up to the toe of the DOT Glacier that is marked with cairns, this is also a good route in the winter months. During the snowy months one can also traverse easily into the fall line drainage that runs off the DOT Glacier, in the spring this may be a tarhead HWY (snowmachines).
The toe of the DOT Glacier starts at about 4200ft, the most resent USGS map from 1984 shows the glacier at about 3600ft. The DOT glacier does have a few crevasse fields and a large bergshrund at about 4900ft to gain the main headwall that leads to the 3rd class ridge to the summit. Be prepared for weather to move in fast to this area, this basin is one of the first areas to be socked in on TP with clouds.
Glacier kit, crampons and ice axe are recommended.
Routes in Loveland PK
- 1DOT Glacier3rdTrad