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Peak Mountain 3

Western Rust

FA unknown


Western Rust is a complete problem that traverses a slight overhang via fun movement, on perfect edges, over a great landing.

Sit start with a left hand edge and a right hand jug (same start as


). From there, move out left to an edge, then make a burly right hand move to a sharp (crux?) but good edge. At that point, bump the left through a pair of sidepulls, adjust the feet, fall into a pinch/edge (crux?), work further left to the jug rail (start hold of Points On The Package), then pull up to a left hand edge, get a high right foot, and work the remaining edges to reach a solid topout.


It shares the same start as


, traverses left, and finishes up Point On The Package.


A few pads should do it, the entire landing is very good.

Routes in Overhills Boulder