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Peak Mountain 3

Unknown 5.10 crack

FA unknown


This is a fun, left-angling, single-pitch crack climb located climber's right of

Tom Stubb's Memorial Route


It has very enjoyable movement on less-than-stellar sandstone. A PG-13 rating based on the poor rock quality in some sections of this pitch. It's Monument, not Indian Creek.

The crux might be hand-size and reach dependent. At 5'3" with small hands, I found the steep section shortly below the anchor the crux (1-2 green Camalots are nice here, plus a good hip jam to keep you from popping off), but my partner with larger hands found the lower green/red Camalot section more challenging.

If you have information on the route name and/or first ascentionists, please contribute, and I'll happily update (admins, please feel free to update as well). Thanks to those who installed the nice rap anchors.


It is ~20-30' climber's right of

Tom Stubbs Memorial Route



1 #0.3 Camalot, 1 #0.5 Camalot, 3 #0.75 Camalots, 4 #1 Camalots, 3 #2 Camalots, and 3 #3 Camalots.

We spaced gear widely down low and closely up high due to rock quality variation. A helmet for belayer is recommended.

There are nice rap anchors installed at the top.